Upgraded automated system of loading 260 metre long rails inaugurated

Central Chronicle News
Bhilai, Jul 16: The PLC-based automated system to handle 260 metre long rail welded panels in the Long Rail Complex of SAIL-Bhilai Steel Plant’s Rail & Structural Mill has been upgraded. Spares of the older system installed 20 years back had become in-operational as a result of which long rail production and despatches suffered as and when breakdowns occurred.
Members of the Rail & Structural Mill team led by MM Gadre, CGM (RSM, RTS & RPDB) along with Asit Saha, CGM (Instrumentation & Automation), Samir Singh, GM (Rail Mill-Electrical) and SS Sorte, GM (Electrical) decided on upgrading the older system. The technical specifications of the upgradation job was prepared jointly by Rail Mill and INCOS Department of the Plant. The job was carried out by Rail Mill Electrical Section and Energia Systems Pvt Ltd. Care was taken that rail production and loading did not suffer during the upgradation.
A team led by Prashant Lakhe, GM (Rail Mill-Electrical), HR Meghwal, GM (Electrical-Planning) and comprising of Abhilash Gupta, AGM and Nishant Singh, Manager executed the job in record time. Significantly, the upgradation job was done in short period of only two days. Now, as a result of the upgradation, loading of 260 metre long rail welded panels onto wagons can be done faster with the help of telphers and at the same time, any electrical faults can be rectified easily. Moreover, this will enable operators to keep watch on loading operations taking place at a distance from their cabin. In future, the system can be connected to MES system for keeping online records of loading.
The upgraded automated system of loading with telphers was inaugurated on July 15, 2021 by MM Gadre, CGM (RSM, RTS & RPDB) along with Asit Saha, CGM (Instrumentation & Automation), SK Chhatri, GM (Rail Mill-Mechanical), Samir Singh, GM (Rail Mill-Electrical). Present were KN Mallik, GM, Rail Mill; NK Khare, GM, Rail Mill; D Sinha, GM, Rail Mill; Nirmal Toppo, DGM, RK Pawar, DGM, BK Gaur, SK Khosla, Arun Soni, SK Alam, JL Sahu, PK Bhandarkar and RK Bandale.

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