YC observes PM’s birthday as National Unemployment Day

Masturi, Sep 18: Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s birthday wa celebrated by Youth Congress as National Unemployed Day all over the country. In the same sequence, under the leadership of District Vice President of Youth Congress Bilaspur, Ashok Rajwal, according to the advice of Narendra Modi, Youth Congress on Friday observed the day by frying pakora. YC organized protests by motivating youth as employment by selling them in weekly haat market. They also made people aware of the words and deeds of the Prime Minister. On this occasion, former Youth Congress President Krishna Yadav Sarpanch Union President Representative Arun Khandekar, youth leaders Annu Kariyare, Vikas Dubey, Vikram Tiwari, Min Kumar Kathle, Sanju Srivastava, Ravindra Karle, Sanju Sahu etc. were present.

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