llegal wood cutting in Mahanadi Kareli Badi forest area

Magarlod, May 09:
Illegal wood cutting in Mahanadi Kareli Badi, a village in Magarlod, continues to be a pressing issue. Several hectares of area are covered with Sheesham trees. The villagers are engaged in illegal felling of firewood, leading to the destruction of several hectares of forest area. This has been going on for the last two years, endangering the existence of the forest.
Despite efforts from the Forest Department, Gram Panchayat, and the police to put an end to the illegal wood cutting, the villagers continue to engage in this harmful practice. A large number of women and men arrive at the area to harvest wood, even during the early hours of the morning. It is alarming that the Forest Department, Gram Panchayat, and other authorities have not been able to take action against those involved in the illegal work.
The media has also highlighted this issue, yet the illegal wood cutting continues unabated. The forest department, people’s representatives, and the police team arrive and take stock of the situation, but the villagers involved in the illegal work run away before the authorities can catch them. In April and May, the illegal felling of wood increases, making it all the more critical for the authorities to take action.
The destruction of forests worsens the environmental balance, and affects the well-being of all living beings. It is essential that the people of Mahanadi Kareli Badi come forward to protect the forests and encourage planting trees instead of cutting them down. The villagers must understand that the protection of forests is crucial for our existence, as wind and rain are essential for life.
Sarpanch Domar Singh Sahu said that, in addition to continuous awareness-raising efforts, cooperation is being sought from the Forest Department and Police to stop illegal wood cutting. However, it is important for the villagers to understand the gravity of the situation and act accordingly. Encroachment on forest land is also a growing concern that needs to be addressed.

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