Women cops on Night Patrol rescue girls in distress

Central Chronicle News
Bhilai, Mar 10: On the eve of International Women’s Day, the security of the entire district was upon the shoulders of female police officers / personnel. On the intervening night of Wednesday, the female cops led by ASP (Rural) Praggya Meshram conducted the night patrol across the district. Delivering their duties with dedication and commitment, they rescued a missing girl and also helped a girl who had forgotten the home address.
With the objectives of conveying the message of “Abhivyakti – Nari ke Samman Ki”, Durg Police is organising various events. In this sequel, SP Prashant Thakur entrusted the responsibility of the entire district to the female cops for March 09 night. All the women police officers / personnel gathered at Police Control Room at around 23:00 hrs on Tuesday.
SP Prashant Thakur addressed the cops after which they marched upto Cyber Lane in Civic Centre. Exhibiting an example of equality, freedom and empowerment, the women cops took over the entire Night Patrol as well as Wireless Duty at all the police stations. Through this initiative, they conveyed the message of “Aap Man Ke Suraksha, Aap Man ke Hath – Durg Police, Aap Man KeSath”
Under the supervision of ASP (Rural) PraggyaMeshram and Dr Chitra Verma (Probationary DSP), 130 women personnel led by 20 woman officers successfully delivered the duty of Night Patrol. The entire district was divided into five zones and 21 Patrol Points were fixed.
Female cops enthusiastically participated in the night patrol duty. Some of them were accompanied by their small kids while an expecting cop delivered the duty at Police Control Room in Night Shift.
During the patrol, they came to know about a missing young girl of Smriti Nagar. Taking the matter into serious cognizance, they contacted all the friends of the girl and managed to trace her whereabouts.
The missing girl was rescued safe and handed over to the family. In another case, a girl was lost as she forgot her address. Woman Cops helped her find the house and dropped her there safely.

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