Weavers demand proper remuneration and relief package

Central Chronicle News
Katgi, Sep 04: Weavers of village Katgi of Kasdol Development are renowned in the State for their work and sari making, but owing to restrains in procuring raw material and other resources, their number have fast declined to a few. The region, once thriving due to the weaver community, now has taken a standstill after the COVID-19 pandemic, as many weavers in the region have left their traditional work and migrated to other places in search of work.
Rising inflation and work ratio getting low after the pandemic has been attributed to be the sole reason behind the decline. The formation of Chhattisgarh Hathkardha Board was a solace to the weavers here, till the Board, didn’t turn up to the communities rescue and rehabilitation after the pandemic.
Village Katgi, Bilaigadh , Tundra, Pisid Rampur , Kalmeedih and Bandora where the community had a good population, now the populace is just the half, as many have migrated to neighbouring states of Odisha, Andra Pradesh, and far flung Jammu & Kashmir. Many of the community have also complained of falling prices of the sarees and unavailability of thread used for weaving the Katgi sarees. However as these weavers are finding it difficult to sustain themselves and their family for a day’s square-meal, they have timely demanded a relief package and remuneration from the Government at the earliest.

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