Tearful adieu to martyr Salam

Bhanupratappur, Mar 25:
As soon as the dead body of the marty Sewak Ram Salam of village Chawand of Narharpur block in Kanker district arrived in his native villagers , the villagers could not stop themselves from crying , there was an 11-month-old girl with no emotion on her face, she was learning to speak ‘PAPA’ but now her ‘PAPA’ is no more..
When that girl lit her father’s pyre, everyone’s eyes were filled with tears.
The martyr jawan was given a guard of honor, after which the mortal remains of the martyr Sewak Ram Salaam was consigned to flames. Earlier a procession was taken out in the village with the mortal remains of martyr and the whole village echoed with ‘Sewak Ram Salam Amar Rahe’ slogan.
At the Mela Ground of village Chwand, Deputy Speaker of the Assembly, Manoj Singh Mandavi, District Panchayat President, Hemant Dhruv Collector, Chandan Kumar, S P, MR Ahire and other public representatives and employees and wife of martyr jawan Chinteshwari Salam, his mother Meena Salam, younger brother Shivram Salam and police officer, sarpanch Anita  Kang and others were present to attend the last rites of martyr.

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