Risali to witness development with Rs 10 crore

Central Chronicle News
Bhilai, Mar 20: Development works are being conducted within the limits of Risali Municipal Corporation as per the expectations of state’s Home Minister and Durg (Rural) MLA Tamradhwaj Sahu. The development works will be launched concurrently in the newly constituted 40 wards of Risali. The plans of Home Minister have been approved by the Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel after which Minister of Urban Administration Department, Dr Shiv Dahriya sanctioned Rs 10 crores for various works.
Risali Municipal Corporation Commissioner Prakash Kumar Sarway said that in view of public facilities, development works worth crores have been done so far in the 40 wards created after the delimitation in Risali. The proposals of 151 works worth Rs 10 crore have been approved by the government as per the expectations of Home Minister. Works on these projects will commence soon after completing the formalities. Another significant subject in this year’s budget was the announcement of Rs 30 bed hospital and a college in Risali. These projects were demanded by the Home Minister few days ago. This construction works will commence after selection of sites.
Re-carpeting of Krishna Talkies Main Road will be done soon. Currently this road exists in dilapidated state. Citizens have been demanding for re-carpeting of this road. The government has sanctioned Rs 1.25 crore for road asphaltization.
There was arrangement of street lights in all the 40 wards of Risali Municipal Corporation area. On the instructions of Home Minister, Additional Collector and Corporation Commissioner had given several instructions after conducting night visits and analysing the lighting arrangements. Accordingly, High Mast Lights will be installed at half a dozen places.
There are many roads in the Risali Municipal Corporation area where only Murrum Roads exist for years. The local MLA had identified such roads during a recent visit. On the instructions of Minister, now the CC roads will be built here.
The approved projects include Ward 1- Public Toilet & Ground Fencing, Ward 2 – Drains & Community Building, Ward 3 – CC Road, Drains & Paver Block, Ward 4 – Drain, CC Road & Community Building, Ward 5 – Road, Drain, Paver Block & Culvert , Ward 6 – Drains & Community Building, Ward 7 – Community Stage & Paver Block, Ward 8 – Drain & Parking Shed, Ward 9 – Paver Block Work, Ward 10 – Drain, Platform Construction & Ground Levelling, Ward 11 – Drain & Dome Shed , Ward 12 – Drain & Paver Block, Ward 13 – Drain, CC Road and Stage; Ward 14 – Bridge Maintenance, Drain, CC Road, Stage Construction, Ward 15 – Stage Maintenance, Drain, Asphalt Road & Drain, Ward 16 – Drain, HighMast Light, Stage Maintenance & Drain, Ward 18 – Boundary wall & Paver Block, Ward 19 – Shed Construction, Road, Drain & CC Road, Ward 20- High Mast, CC Road & Drain, Ward 21- Community Building, Kala Manch, Culvert & drain, Ward 22 – CC road, drain & garden; Ward 23- drain, Ward 24- road construction, Ward 25- paver block, Ward 26- drain, building, culvert construction & garden, Ward 27- CC Road; Ward 28- CC road, Garden & drain, Ward 29 – paver block work, cc road & drain, Ward 30- CC Road, Ward 31- Mangal Bhawan, CC Road & Drain, Ward 32- Asphalt Road, High Mast Light, Ward 33- CC Road, High Mast, Ward 34- CC Road & Manch, Ward 35- Drain, Platform Slab, Ward 36- Drain, CC Road & Paver Block, Ward 37- CC Road & Drain, Ward 38- Road Drain & Stage, Ward 39 – Drain & Community Building; Ward 40- CC Road, Garden, Platform, Paver Block Work & Drain construction.

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