Rail Road Safety campaign organised in Bhilai Steel Plant

Bhilai, Feb 12: Rail Road safety drive was begun on Friday morning with both T & D Dept and Safety Engineering Department personnel stopping employees and contract workers inside the Plant during general shift entry time to counsel them about observing safety guidelines while crossing rail crossings inside the Plant. An appeal printed on pamphlets was distributed. The drive began early in the morning with Executive Director (Works) Rajiv Sehgal, CGM (Traffic) AK Tiwary, GM I/c (Safety & Fire Services) GP Singh and Gyanesh Jha, GM (MRD) counselling employees on two-wheelers and four-wheelers and contractual workers on two-wheelers and bicycles about the dangers of ignoring safety regulations near MRD level crossings inside Plant. Senior officers including General Managers stationed themselves near PG level crossing, Khursipar Gate level crossing, Coke Oven level crossing and Maroda level crossing to stop and counsel employees and contractual workers. ED (Works) Rajiv Sehgal said the Rail Road safety drive would help generate awareness about the dangers of ignoring safety while crossing level crossings. The drive was coordinated by Departmental Safety Officer of T & D Dept BuddhdevTuddu with personnel from both T & D and SED participating in large numbers.

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