Panchayat Sachiv not serious about his duties

Jagdalpur, Mar 03:
Due to highhandedness on part of Gumalvada Panchayat Sachiv and his adamant attitude not only the policies of the state government are getting badly affected, but it is also causing break in development works. At one place where the same is causing lots of problems to Panchs, on the other, the villagers are unable to get due benefits of the schemes.
It is notable here that at present Narsingh Goyal is Panchayat Sachiv in Gumalwada Gram Panchayat. It is due to adamant an attitude of this Panchayat Sachiv that the Panchs of this Panchayat along with villagers are having great deal of resentment against him. But there is no one to take into consideration in Baghel’s government.
The condition is such that even during lockdown period of corona pandemic, Narsingh Goyal was not adhering to the guidelines issued. Panch of Gumalwada Panchayat Jaisingh Nag charged that due to such an attitude on part of Narsingh Goyal that development works in Panchayat have come to a standstill and his adamant attitude is badly affecting other works in the Panchayat. The villagers on the other hand informed this Panchayat Sachiv visit Gram Panchayat rarely and as & when they approach him with some work he gives all sorts of reason and forces them to wander his office. When the villagers have some important work then they have to travel 35 kms to his residence and then again either he is not available or busy with some other works.
Sachiv remains absent in Panchayat office:
Villagers charged that Narsingh Goyal do not visit the Panchayat office regularly and due to which they are troubled with smaller works. In addition to this no meetings or Gram Sabha is organised. At time when any villager wants to get something important done from Panchayat Sachiv and visit his residence, then he is forced to move out citing vague reasons. Villagers charged that in order to get just a signature they have to visit him many times.
Villagers informed that to absence of Panchayat Sachiv in the office has been informed to Panchayat many times, but still no action has been taken against him. If this remain his attitude then the villagers have warned to lodge complaint against the Sachiv with Collector Bastar and ask him to take firm action against him.

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