Minor boy arrested for killing his friend

Central Chronicle News
Surajpur, Sep 28: A minor boy was arrested in case of murder of 15 yr old Ritik Rajwade of Gram Brijrajnagar of Latori of Surajpur and he was produced in the court.
It is notable here that the student Ritik Rajwade after studying in his house asked to put down the lights and went to sleep last on Friday night. But it was on Saturday morning his body was found in pool of blood just at a short distance from his an under-construction house. On this the Police registered a case and took the matter under investigation.
Making disclosure in this entire case in SP’s office on Monday, SP Bhawana Gupta informed that during investigation the police based upon tip from an informer and based upon technical assistance, took one suspected minor boy into arrest and started interrogation with him and later he accepted his crime for murder of Ritik.
SP informed that the minor boy used to watch crime videos on YouTube and based upon which he got an idea that he will kill his best friend Ritik and hide his body and then would demand money from Ritik’s family members.
It was with this scheme, this minor boy calling Ritik asked him to come for cigarette in the house under construction near his house on Sep 24 night and then he asked one of his friend’s Suraj Cherwa to bring matchbox. On this Suraj brought the match-box and then left and in-between Ritik was playing games in his mobile phone and taking advantage of the same, minor boy brought a sharp-edged iron weapon (Tangi) from nearby pond a attacked Rithik on his head and neck area.
This entire incident was witnessed by Suraj Cherwa and after which he ran towards his house. After the incident the minor boy hiding the ‘Tangi’ went to Cherwa’s house and knocked in his door, but in fear Suraj did not opened the door. After this minor boy brought ‘Kathari’ to the site and wrapped it around Ritik’s head and hide his body in a bush near to the pond. He informed a person of the village about the incident and sold his mobile to autorickshaw driver.
So it was based upon location by the minor boy, the ‘kathari’ used in crime was seized and he was produced in the juvenile court. In this action, TI Jainagar Deepak Paswan, TI Bhatgaon Kishore Kenwat, Chowki in-Charge Sunil Singh and other officer and employees gave valuable contribution.

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