Millers asked to speed up paddy lifting and custom milling

Central Chronicle News
Bhilai, Dec 09: In the next one week, the rice millers will intensify the lifting of paddy from procurement centres and conduct custom milling on a war footing. In a meeting chaired by Collector Dr Sarveshwar Narendra Bhure, the millers said that in the coming week, the work of paddy lifting would be done at a fast pace.
Collector stated that the government has taken important decisions in the cabinet meeting related to incentives in paddy procurement etc. Implementation of these decisions will benefit the millers. He said that if there is a need for any kind of coordination from the banks, the ADM will solve the problem by coordinating through the lead bank officer.
He emphasised on the need of faster paddy lifting for improving the procurement process. Collector said that the government has taken several decisions keeping in mind the problems of the millers. These decisions will make the work easier for them.
He asked the President of Rice Millers Association to coordinate amongst the rice millers and distribute the works in accordance to the capacity. This will ensure proper initiatives towards achieving the goal. Food Controller CP Dipankar also spoke in this regard. He asked to deposit bank guarantee and lift paddy so that rice can be deposited in FCI.
Faster lifting of paddy will make the works easier for the committees. In the meeting, Millers said that the situation would improve substantially within the next one week. In case of any coordination, they will discuss with the Food Controller and DMO.
The Collector said that the work of procurement of paddy is the most important programme in the state and this work will be completed in a better way with the cooperation of all. This year also, the millers should achieve the target rapidly and the district administration is ready to cooperate in all possible ways.
In the meeting, the millers also shared their local issues with the Collector. The Collector said that your concerns will be conveyed to the government so that appropriate initiatives can be taken in this direction. Office bearers of Rice Mill Association, DMO and other officials were

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