Ideathon 2021 launched for young entrepreneurs

Central Chronicle News
Bhilai, Jul 15: To turn ideas into reality and to help young students realise their potential, Brainstation India Foundation has launched Ideathon 2021. The aim of this competition is to promote innovation and entrepreneurship amongst the students and to develop a new generation of start-ups. In this regard, an MoU has already been signed between Brainstation India Foundation and Bhilai Institute of Technology (BIT) and BrainTech@BIT Incubation Centre has already been setup in the BIT campus.
Vikalp Dubey, CEO and Co-Founder of the foundation informed, “Winners of the ideathon with receive up to Rs 600,000/-, and a dedicated team of experts will help them convert the ideas into start-ups.” This competition shall remain opened from July 14 to August 07, 2021 to all the students
of BIT.
To develop the skills of the students, to impart real-world experience and to create a strong network of industry representatives and institutions, Brainstation has also created an online community to get updates and opportunities from the start-up world and to directly interact with the titans of the industry,” Peeyush Agrawal, Co-Founder of the foundation quoted. Tushar Bopche, Vipin Jain and Vivek Tiwari, Co-Founders of Brainstation India Foundation as well as the faculty and management of BIT are committed to offer every support to the students and make Ideathon 2021 a success. The competition is entirely free for the students.

Brainstation India Foundation aims to provide an effective platform to talented youth in tier 2 & 3 cities to hone their skills and develop their business. In association with BIT, the foundation is on the fast-track to achieve this goal.

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