Festival of Halashti celebrated with fervour

Central Chronicle News
Birkoni, Aug 31: The region witnessed the celebration of the festival of Halashti, with great devotion, especially by mothers who worshiped Sagari by decorating them with pomegranate leaves, flowers, as a part of the festivals ritual. This festival holds huge importance for the women folks, as the festival is marked by a fast, kept for the long life and prosperity of once offspring. In village Birkoni, Ram Janaki Parishad, and homes celebrated Halashti festival with pomp and show. Women in the village kept fast for the long life of their children and performed mass worship at places. Since morning, women were busy in the preparations for worship by making Sagri, decorated with pottery leaves, kasi, -flowers and worshiped Halashti Mata. Women made idols of Shiva, Parvati, Kartikeya, Ganesha, Nandi, and installed them near Sagri. Worship was started by offering water,ghee and curd made from buffalo’s milk along with grains produced without plowing and sowing. Buffalo milk, curd, ghee, Mahua, Lai, five types of vegetables, palas leaves, kansi flowers, coconut, lai and other materials were offered to Mother Halashti. And women performed the rituals of worship keeping the fast in the traditional way.

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