CSS demand early correction in faulty seniority list

Arang, Feb 25:

A delegation of Chhattisgarh Shikshak Sangh (CSS) met the Joint Director Public Instructions Raipur and informed about many mistakes/ faults in the final seniority list of Teachers and Head Masters of Primary School issued last on Feb 16.
They charged that in this list the senior has been made as junior and vice-verse and names of many teachers have been left out. The head masters from Primary Schools transferred from other districts have been provided seniority from the old district against the rules. The seniority list also includes names of many deceased and retired teachers and names of many teachers have been missed out in the list. In this regard CSS delegation held talks with Joint Director Public Instructions Deptt Raipur division. The officer informed that the list has been issued at state-level and the mistakes will be examined and sorted out, if necessary.
CSS demanded immediate correction in the seniority list and urged to complete the promotional procedure soon. The teachers also held talks in context of frequent presentation of CR and property details and it was informed that the teachers who have been issued property details by the officers need not apply again for the same. Sangh members also demanded DPI proposal for promotion of T-cadre Head Master Middle School, PG trained and urged to issue orders for sending of proposal of e-cadre head Masters of Middle Schools.
The delegation of CSS comprised of Omkar Verma, District President Sunil Nayak, Block President Avadh Verma, District Secretary Ranjan Baghel, Rajkumar Baghel, Govind Soni, divisional treasurer- Gajendra Kshatriya and others.

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