Collector shares mid-day meal with children
Bhilai, Sep 21: On Wednesday, District Collector Pushpendra Kumar Meena shared the mid-day meal with the students at a school in Risama. He said having lunch with children has made it more delicious. He asked questions from the children from their textbooks and expressed satisfaction with the studies.
He also visited the rural areas of the district and inspected Chandkhuri Gauthan. During the inspection, he instructed to construct a shed for cattle. During interaction with the SHG women, he came to know that a cow gives 10 to 14 liters of milk. Milk is sold in milk parlours. Regarding animal feed, the Collector said that good fodder is very necessary. A shed should be constructed for the cattle. He added that sprinklers should be installed on the top of the shed so that the cattle can feel comfortable. In Gauthan, the women of the group informed that they have sold earthworm worth Rs 3 lakh 80 thousand and manure worth Rs 5 lakh 42 thousand. Apart from this, a separate place has been made for keeping the unclaimed animal. When the Collector asked the woman what she did with the profit made by selling vermicompost, she replied that she got her son married.
The Collector expressed happiness after visiting the bari during Girdawari. He inquired about the bari from the self help group. Sunita informed that 25 to 30 quintals of ladyfinger are produced and they earned Rs 6300 per month. The group has so far made sales of Rs 15,000 in this month. While praising Sunita, the Collector said that a very good work has been done.
Apart from this, the Collector gave instructions to start a dairy business in Gauthan of Risama so that the women of the group could earn profit from the production of milk. He oversaw the poultry farming in Gauthan and sought information about the sale of poultry from the woman of the group. Sonali informed that the chicken is sold at the rate of Rs 300-350. Collector directed for construction of a shed having capacity of 1000 to 2000 chickens so that more quantity of poultry can be reared. During the inspection of Gauthan in Machandur, he got information about quail rearing. The Sarpanch informed that so far they have sold 750 eggs of quail. Apart from this, a bari has been developed in 8 acres. The gauthan purchased cow dung worth Rs 5.57 lakh and sold manure worth Rs 7 lakh. In this manner, each woman of the group got a profit of Rs 20000. In Gauthan itself, two elderly people complained about non-receipt of pension, on which the Collector directed the officials for prompt action.
Collector inspected the Primary Health Center in Machandur. He instructed to pay more attention towards cleanliness. He added that the vacancy of lab technician will be fulfilled soon.
The Collector directed to develop the Government Middle School as a model school. Praising the school, he interacted with the children. After inspecting the housekeeping, he praised the school and instructed to develop it as a model school. All types of facilities will be provided to the children in the Model School. He sat with the children and shared the mid-day meal. He praised the quality of food and had rice, pulses, pickles, papad with the children.
Later he inspected Swami Atmanand School of Risali. He visited all the classes and interacted with the children. Children informed him that practicals are conducted two days a week and stated that there is no problem.
During the inspection of Nagar Panchayat Utai, the Collector visited the office of Nagar Panchayat and asked to pay attention towards cleanliness. He instructed to auction the junk. CEO District Panchayat Ashwani Devangan, officers and employees were present during the inspection.