Best Ever August performances recorded in several areas

Central Chronicle News
Bhilai, Sep 10: SAIL-Bhilai Steel Plant has recorded its best August performances in several areas in the month of Aug 21. Besides recording highest ever August loading of 236107 Tonnes of steel for Direct despatch in Aug 21 as against previous best of 203944 T in Aug 20, the Plant’s sinter plants, Blast Furnace 8, Steel Meting Shop 3 (SMS 3), refractory material plant have recorded their best August performance.
Total Sinter production of 7,17,814 Tonnes (T) in Aug 21 has been the best for the month as against previous best of 6,90,275 in Aug 2015. Blast Furnace 8 recorded its best August Hot Metal production 2,39,713 T as against previous best of 1,96,908 T in Aug 19. Total Production at RMP-3 in Aug 21 32,989 was also the best August performance as against previous best of 24,778 in Aug 20.
Cast Steel Production of 2,28,501 T by Modex unit, SMS 3 has been the best for any August month as against previous best of 1,55,739 T in Aug 20. Cast Steel Production of 2,28,501 T included best August Cast Billet Production of 145077 T and best August Cast Bloom Production of 83424 T as against previous best of 81,941 T and 73,797 T, respectively in Aug 20.
In the area of techno-economics, Blast Furnaces together recorded its best Aug CDI Rate of 86 Kg/THM as against 85Kg/THM in Aug 20. Modex unit, Blast Furnace-8 recorded best August Coke Rate of 389 Kg/THM in Aug 21 as against 414 Kg/THM in Aug 20. Blast Furnace-8 also recorded best August CDI Rate of 119 Kg/THM in Aug 21 as against 99 Kg/THM in Aug 20. Blast Furnace-8 recorded also best Aug Productivity (Wkg. Vol.) of 2.263 T/M3/Day in Aug 21 as against 1.960 T/M3/Day
in Aug 20.

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