Cyber fraud dupes man of Rs 2.99 lakh on pretext of providing Rs 5 lakh loan

Raipur, Jul 16: In a repeat of various cyber frauds reported in the capital, yet another cheating was reported in DD Nagar police station wherein the fraud has reportedly duped a man of Rs 2.99 lakh on pretext of providing him loan of Rs 5 lakh and then further extending the loan limit.
According to police, complainant Ashok Sharda of DD Nagar received a call on his cell phone on 78381-15472 on November 11, 2020 wherein the called offered him soft loan of Rs 5 lakh at an interest of 6% from Adiya Birla Capital. With the complainant seeking time to think about the offer, the fraud kept calling him and ultimately Ashok agreed to avail the loan.
Accordingly, the fraud first got him deposited a small amount on pretext of initiating the loan process and then through several lucrative offers including the loan limit, the fraud got him deposited a total of Rs 2.99 lakh by July 13 but to loan was provided to Ashok. It was here, the complainant asked the fraud to return all his money as he no more was interested in availing the loan. This resulted in the fraud disconnecting the call immediately and since then his phone has remained out of service.
Police, meanwhile, have registered an offence under Section 66D of Information Technology (IT) Act and 420 IPC. Further investigation in this regard is now underway.

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