Your Home Is Your Sanctuary

The New Year brings with it a certain hope with positive news rolling out more than news of misfortune. We all sit in our homes wishing we could go back to our vibrant social life. We’ve been indoors for long and the indoors have become our new normal. More of us have been adjusting and moving things around the house to make it functional. 2021 for home decor is all about comfort and functional – they are the keywords of the New Year.

Fresh new paint
The best and quickest way to give your home a facelift is to give it a new paint. The Pantone 2021 colour of the year – Ultimate Grey and Illuminating (yellow) are ideal for any home and all kinds of decor changes. The colours can be used in any way that pleases your fancy. You can also use the colours to make a pain job with patterns and textures. The yellow is a standout colour that can be used smartly to decorate a corner or to give your kitchen, for example, a bright exuberance. Bedrooms can have grey hues to bring a calm vibe and can be decorated with plush cushion covers that help a good nights sleep. Living areas and children’s room can also have greys and be decorated with bright colours and combinations that lift the room completely. It brings a lively spirit into these rooms and automatically helps in keeping energies high.

Bring the outdoors in

The past year has made many of us realise that there is a lot of beauty indoors. We have time to do things our way, explore our creative side and indulge in more and more ‘me time’. Fresh green plants at various levels, or on the window sill of your bathrooms, kitchens, steps, walls, and terraces, if you have, can do wonders to the immediate environment and thus extending to you, your property and it’s value. Creepers, hedges in front and backyard lawns, gardens are celebrated additions to any house and are looked upon when, going for the commercial value of it. They’re, especially, great for your office nook or room. Greenery adds character to the room and gives your space a calm natural vibe.

Inexpensive recycled goods

While you’re at it, reduce waste in your house while refurbishing. All the things made with plastic can be used to make artistic home decor items and display on empty space around the house. A personal touch of your own handmade art and your family’s craft skills is a great way to make the home more welcoming. Home is where the heart is after all. Use all the fantastic things you made during quarantine even if they are half done. Experts say that the things your make with your hands hold bigger sentimental value that store brought goods. Your walls and surfaces will glow with the family togetherness and give your stressed times a hint of joy and reminisce.

Sustainable and local décor

Being in cue with the nation’s effort to support the economy, buy from local artists and vendors. Many projects in your neighbourhood are born out of passion and are largely sustainable projects. Right from your plat post to the rug on the floor – all things sustainable are available easily. These sustainable items add a character to your home that says that you care for the environment and that you are a conscious soul. It is also a very nice way to give back to the environment and support local businesses so they can also come up economically. Sustainable choices make your living space and newly made office space unique and attractive.

Minimalism is the buzz word
In the past few years, less has become more. So all the ideas we discussed so far can be implemented depending on what says most to you and that suits your personal style. Minimalism has become the buzz word as we progress through the years of pandemics and climate change. Having a home that is spacious even if it is small in square metres has become a need with all family members at home. Respecting and giving personal space is essential and a minimal lifestyle contributes gravely tot his cause. So invest and use only those things that truly make you happy and adds more meaning to your decor.

Bedrooms and colourful cushions
Create a restful bedroom with neutral tone paint such as the ‘Ultimate Grey’ with plenty of textured cushions, throws and bedding in sunshine yellows and rich mustards. You can also decorate the bedroom walls and bedside with ‘smart lighting’ which are now available in decorative styles and fancy shades. While you do indulge in making small changes for a big impact or a complete redo of your home, you must remember that this change is for you. The change and facelift of your home are for you to be happy and find a fresh new vibe for your daily activities and comfort.

Traditional ways to home décor
There are many traditional ways to make your home more comfortable and give it a new fresh look. Hang wall decors such as paintings, family photos or cinematic photos by renowned photographers. You can also have wall paints, panels, wall coverings that are a hit, as walls talk. One connects with the house immediately when the walls are flawlessly done and accessorized tastefully with wooden, glass, leather, fabric metallic panels, jaalis.

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