Pramil Saggar elected new president of La Vista
Central Chronicle News
Raipur, Mar 15: The most beautiful society of the city-La Vista in its annual meeting on Sunday unanimously elected Pramil Saggar as new president for the next two years. On the outset outgoing president Inderpal Juneja in his last speech read out the activities of last two years. Vijay Anwani, Secretary read out his secretary report while treasurer Hemraj Ben presented the income expenditure report. At the end Polling Officer Ramesh Sao started the polling process and while addressing the members said, as like the last three elections which were held unanimously it is expected that carrying forward this tradition this time too, the elections would be held unanimously. Thereafter former president and patron Kirti Bhai Vyas proposed the name of Pramil Saggar for the post of president and was supported by Vikas Bajaj and other members. Later as no other name came for this post, polling officer declared Pramil Saggar as president for the next two years. Vijay Anwani proposed vote of thanks and expressed gratitude towards members for holding unanimous election and thereby carrying forward the set tradition of the society. On this occasion G S Bambra, Parfulla Mishra, Deepak Kodwani, Rajendra Bondia, Mrs Bhavna Vyas, Mrs Jyoti Saggar, Mrs Kamini Gupta and other members were present.