Chhattisgarh police performing commendable work amid pandemic: DGP

Central Chronicle News
Raipur, Apr 30: Chhattisgarh Director General of Police (DGP) DM Awasthi on Friday held a video conference meeting with senior police officers of all districts in the state. The meeting began with discussing the vaccination position of all policemen in respective districts and the efforts being made to keep them safe amid the rampaging COVID-19 pandemic.
Speaking further, the DP said that Chhattisgarh police is working commendably in this pandemic. Adding that the present situation is highly critical, he urged all policemen to be very careful in ensuring proper health for themselves as well as their family members along with providing all necessary help to the common men.
Reiterating that the policemen working round the clock in this pandemic situation are among the first line of frontline workers, the DGP again instructed the senior police officers to ensure that all necessary and adequate help is provided to every single policeman on duty. He also instructed the officers to ensure proper supply of water and snacks to all on duty cops in this sweltering heat weather condition. Before concluding, the DGP urged all police officers to strictly maintain social distancing which performing their duties with utmost sincerity.

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