CAIT to launch Vyapar Swaraj Abhiyan to challenge political forces

Central Chronicle News
Raipur, Dec 10: CAIT National Vice President Amar Parwani, chairman Mangelal Maloo, Amar Gidwani State President Jitendra Doshi , States Working President Vikram Singh Deo, Parmanand Jain , Vashu Makhija, State General Secretary Suriender Singh, State Working General Secretary Bharat Jain, State Treasurer Ajay Agrawal and state media incharge Sanjay Choubey informed that the traders across the country will observe “ Bharat Ekta Diwas” on January 14, 2022, the day of prominent festival of North India, the Sankranti and Pongal, another important festival of South India and the Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) declared to launch a “Vyapar Swaraj Abhiyan” to liberate the retail trade of the country from the vicious clutches of foreign companies & Indian corporates. The campaign will also strongly demand the Central & all State Governments to frame and implement immediately the through this campaign, a demand will be made from the Central and State Governments to implement transparent support policies for all sectors of the retail trade of India.
This ambitious campaign is being launched by the CAIT to establish the trading community as a strong vote bank in the political environment of the country and will expect the political chorus not only to listen to the issues of the traders but also to carve out solutions.
The CAIT has also announced that this campaign will be launched simultaneously on January 14 from all state capitals and a “Vyapar Swarajya Rath Yatra” will also be taken out in all the states the same day.
CAIT National Vice President Mr. Amar Parwani and State President Mr. Jitendra Doshi said that through this campaign, traders across the country will show their power and give a direct message to all the governments and political parties that if still the traders of the country are ignored, the traders will also not hesitate to give political losses or gains to the respective political parties from forthcoming Assembly elections. Now, it is for the Governments and political parties to decide. They unambiguously said that no party or government should have the misconception that traders are their bonded laborers.
They also said that every trader can have his own political ideology, but on the question of the trader, all the traders are ready for any struggle leaving aside their political affiliations in the larger interest of trade.

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