BJYM launches youth contact campaign

 Volunteers highlighting the achievements of Modi govt

Central Chronicle News

Raipur, Jul 27:

Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha (BJYM) has launched state-wide awareness campaign for the new voters who would be exercising their electoral franchise for the first time in the upcoming Legislative Assembly polls.

Providing the above information, the BJYM Media in-charge Vikas Mittal said that the BJYM President Ravi Bhagat has given directives to the office-bearers to complete the visit to all the 90 Legislative Assembly segments by August end.

He further informed that apart from creating awareness among new voters, the BJYM workers are also highlighting the failures of the Congress government on key issues. BJYM volunteers are also highlight the works of Central Government during the last nine years on the grounds of steps like Start-Up India, Mudra Scheme, Scholarship Scheme and opening of new faculty for the higher education among youth. He further informed that Youth contact programmes have been launched in favour of BJP through the various infrastructure works undertaken by the Modi government at Centre.

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