Bike Ambulance scam surfaces in medical department !

Kawardha, Mar 23:
Health department in Kawardha district has sort of become synonymous to massive corruption and scams galore and it is not coming to an end. In the irregularity in Measles-Rubela CD making, neither any accountability has been fixed nor the report has been made public till date. Now there is another scam in the name of e-tender scam for bike ambulance.
The dominant DPM posted in the district alleged involvement and irregularity in Measles- Rubela scam is now visible in Bike-Ambulance.
Many a CHMO came to district and went away, but they could not put a check on rampant corruption in the medical department of the district. CHMO Mandal who is now working for almost six months has also not being able to put a check of corruption and employees posted in NRHM branch of the department are showing lot of highhandedness in the department and getting information under RTI is something like big task and they put the order from officer into dust-bin.
In line with Measles -Rubela CD scam, the officers and employees in order to pass on the benefit of Bike-Ambulance working in the department are once again trying to pass on benefit to near & dear ones and put a big blow to government funds. As per information received, tender invited for the running of bike-ambulance was participated by four firms and out of them documents of two firms Sathi and Vikas Mitra was found to be in order. Accordingly Sathi Kondagaon was awarded contract as their quoted rate was the lowest. The firm was issued work order and the firm even before signing of MoU on May 30, 2018 asked for Rs 7.5 lakh for the construction of three bike ambulance. DPM through note sheet on June 04, 2018 presented the demand of Sathi before CMHO. The issue of note sheet for advance to Sathi even before MoU was signed smelled corruption in the matter. Although after the matter came to the notice of officials, terms and conditions of MoU on stamp paper dated June 11, 2018 was received on June 18, 2018 . Thereafter Sathi was made payment of Rs 7.5 lakh. Again in the month of October Rs 3,83, 400 was paid to Sathi which gives rise to allegedly unholy nexus between the organization Sathi and government officials.

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