502 persons from capital city, 282 from border districts purchased knives

Raipur, Mar 23:
In view of few incidents in and around capital city over the last few days, DIG and SSP Ajay Kumar Yadav had directed all the Raipur police and gazetted police officers and TIs to prepare a work plan and check and prepare a list of persons moving around illegally with knife and also keep an eye on online demand for such items through websites like Amazon, Flipkart, and others and put a check on the same.
So the Raipur police on checking technical details of websites, came to know that there are 502 persons in capital city and 282 in bordering districts who have purchased knife and button-knives from sites viz. Flipkart from Jan to Dec 2020 and their list is available. So as per the list, the Raipur police has started search of such people who have purchased knives online.
In this regard Addl. SP (City) Lakhan Patle held meeting with all TIs and directed them to call such persons to Thana and cross-check them in their respective thana areas. In the cross-checking and interrogation done so far, around 300 pieces of knives have been deposited or seized in different thanas and this include 11 history-sheeters as well. The police recovered knives from all the 11 history-sheeters and case under Arms Act has been filed against them.
The police informed that 119 minor children too have purchased knives online and their knives were deposited in thana by calling them to police station and explaining them in clear-cut manner the consequences thereof. The parents of majority of the persons/ children who have purchased knives online are not having information about the same. The family members and other have hailed this particular initiative of Raipur police as this will stop any chance of incidents in the near future. None of the persons who were called to thana objected in depositing of knives and openly accepted it. The police said that they will be keeping close eye on such purchase online in the near future as well.

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