Six Naxals arrested, 5 kg IED seized

Bijapur, Mar 17: Police have arrested six Naxals from two places in Bijapur district, officials said on Wednesday.
In a separate incident, a 5 kg improvised explosive device (IED) was recovered by a joint team of security forces, including the CRPF, when it was out on a de-mining exercise on Pamed-Tipapurm road here on Wednesday, they said.
The six cardres were arrested on Tuesday when separate teams of the District Force and the District Reserve Guard (DRG) were out on anti-Naxal operations, a police official said. While four of them were apprehended from Tarrem police station area when they were allegedly engaged in planting an IED along a road, two others were rounded up from Bedre police station limits, the official said. Rebels Midiam Chaitu (26), a militia deputy commander of Maoists, Uika Aaytu (21), Tamu Mangu (25) and Tamu Joga (35), who were allegedly digging the ground along the Tarrem- Silger road to place the explosive, tried to escape on seeing the security personnel, but were caught, he said.
A tiffin bomb, a detonator and electric wire were recovered from their possession, the official said. The other two arrested cadres – Narango Majji (33) and Bichhu Wadde (31) – were allegedly involved in damaging public properties in Bedre area, he said.

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