Things you can do to support a small business

A few months ago, Instagram rolled out a new ‘Support Small Business’ sticker in stories to amplify the revival of small-scale companies, and we also saw big personalities like Priyanka Chopra and Rhea Kapoor use their platforms for the cause—highlight their favourite local names. For more effective support, keep these steps in mind that are free and worth adding to your resolutions list.
1. Write an honest review
While making a purchase is the best way to directly support a company, leaving a review is the next best thing to do. Leaving a comment or review (bonus with pictures) is great to bring your physical support online. Don’t forget to tag the businesses and consider using #supportlocalbusiness, which now has over 26 million hits on Instagram.
2. Give them a shoutout
According to Google Trends, searches for “support local business” reached an all-time high in April 2020 in India. With platforms like Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook introducing shop and shoutout features, it’s easier to share your favourite products and past purchases with your community and give them the much-needed exposure.
3. Engage with them on social media
Start by following them on social media, which can help increase visibility of their page for those on your followers list. Help boost their business and online presence by hitting the like button, reposting or commenting on their posts and tagging them in your lists, collections and guides.
4. Recommend to friends and family
When you shop directly from a designer or brand’s website rather than a big box retailer, the profits go directly to them and their employees, which in turn helps them making smaller labels stay afloat during challenging times. Encourage your friends and family by sharing your experiences with local operations and remember hyping them up through word of mouth.

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