29-year old young man undergoes heart transplant

Navi Mumbai, Jul 18:
29 year old Ravi Sharman Ahirwar, an electrical worker residing in Mumbai underwent a successfully heart transplant at Apollo Hospitals Navi Mumbai. The heart was harvested from a deceased donor, 48 years old female from Pune, who suffered a brain haemorrhage on 2nd July, 2021.
Despite efforts, she didn’t respond to the treatment and was declared brain dead as per the clinical protocols on July 14th 2021.The family was counselled and wholeheartedly agreed for organ donation. The patients Liver and Heart were donated. Liver was transplanted on a 61 year old from Pune.
The donor’s heart was transported through a Green Corridor from Jehangir Hospital, Pune to Apollo Hospitals, Navi Mumbai in Belapur, in 83 minutes at 10.03 am, July 15th 2021.
The lead doctor in this surgery, said, Dr Sanjeev Jadhav, Consultant, CVTS & Heart Transplant Surgery, Apollo Hospitals, Navi Mumbai said “Ravi was suffering from dilated cardiomyopathy leading to end state heart failure. He was diagnosed in 2007 and the symptoms worsened in 2019, with breathlessness on minimal walking, swelling in the lower limbs and fluid accumulation in the lungs and abdomen.
He needed frequent admissions 2 to 3 times in a month for managing heart failure and was registered for heart transplant with ZTCC in Feb 2020, as per clinical protocols.
He was in waitlist for almost one year with only 15% of heart functioning. There was a suitable donor heart found in Pune, through ZTCC. We immediately informed the patient and made all the necessary preparations for heart transplant.

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