Why you shouldn’t wear the same pair of shoes everyday

Regular exercise is the best way to stay fit, healthy and happy. But it is important to perform your exercises the right way, else you could end up hurting yourself. Also, equally important is choosing the right workout clothing and shoes. Hope you’re not wearing the same pair of shoes everyday or two days in a row?

I f you do, you’re likely to get a toenail fungal infection, also called onychomycosis. Fungi usually prefer dark, moist, warm places, like the inside of your shoes. And so, wearing the same pair of shoes every day, without giving them ample time to dry from the previous day’s sweaty workout, can increase your risk of developing a toenail fungal infection. After a hard workout, put your shoes out in the open to allow them to air out thoroughly. To avoid nail fungus, invest in at least two good pairs of shoes and wear on alternate days.
Wrong Workout Shoes can Cause Nail Fungus
Also, make sure you your workout shoes are properly fitted. Wearing wrong footwear can also increase your risk of developing a toenail fungal infection. Ill-fitting shoes can traumatize and weaken your toenails, making them more susceptible to fungus. Fungal infection can even cause the nails to crumble and separate from the nail bed, which can be very painful and make walking difficult. A toenail fungal infection is difficult to treat and takes months to heal. So, properly fitted workout shoes and don’t put on the same pair every day. Make sure your shoes aren’t putting too much pressure on your toenails. In addition, wearing wrong athletic shoes could also lead to aching feet, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, and more.
Tips for Choosing Workout Shoes
Choosing the right shoes is as important as doing the workout currectly. So, here are certain things you should keep in mind before buying your workout footwear.
What do you prefer: Walking or running? We ask because you need a different type of shoes for these activities and you need to get a pair for each one.
Compared to walking shoes, running shoes are more flexible, and they have extra cushioning to handle greater impact. A properly fitted pair of shoes should feel comfortable right away. While trying a pair of shoes, walk or run around the store a bit to check if they feel good in action.
Here’s the rule of thumb for choosing the right pair of shoes. Make sure there’s about a thumb’s width (or 3/8-1/2 inch) between the front of your big toe and the end of the shoe. According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, you should be able to freely wiggle all your toes after wearing the shoe. But it shouldn’t be loose enough to make you heel slip out when you walk.
Avoid wearing damaged shoes. Foot and ankle surgeons say you should replace your running shoes after about 350-400 miles of use. But one the shoes feel uncomfortable or less supportive, you need to stop wearing them.
For indoor cardio workouts, shoes with basic cushion can work well but choose the ankle cut based on the moves you’ll be doing, suggest experts.
For outdoor boot camp and circuit workouts, choose shoes with sole that is flat from heel to toe and higher cut, around your ankle bone.

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