Parennials And The Choices They Make

When I began my journey into motherhood in 2016 one thing that struck me is how my experiences were distinctly different from that of my mother or grandmother. It’s true that the world has radically changed over the years and that’s why no two experiences are ever the same.

M y generation, the millennials, who are currently well into adulthood and on the brink of parenthood are known for their independent attitudes and have grown into a cohort with an established set of ideas and beliefs. Our generation of parents, the Parennials (millennial parents) are increasingly applying millennial values to their parenting styles, reflecting millennial behaviour to their manner and aspirations for their own children.
Parennials Want Quality Over Quantity
We first met the millennials in 2000, when the term was just introduced by Neil Howe and William Strauss, and we were just ‘coming of age’. Today, this generation is driven by a ‘quality over quantity’ approach, where sustainability, authenticity and values matter, the new-age parents are choosing to stand apart from the earlier generations in how they parent their children. From the parenting techniques to the products we use, we are determined to purchase only the best, not just in terms of cost, but what fits our belief systems, for our children.
Parennials are Bonding Over Similar Interests
People are coming together through interest and passion like never before and therefore their circle of friends and community has expanded beyond the traditional. This generation is perfectly at ease in exchanging information with their peers online. We are also a conscientious generation of individuals. We are aware of how our choices affect the environment. We stand up for our beliefs and choose brands that share their values. Authenticity, social, and environmental responsibility are extremely important to us.
Parennials Want The Best, But Also Natural
‘Trust and authenticity’ are key factors while catering to perennials. Natural ingredients that are backed by research and science, making smart environmental choices in terms of packaging and life cycle of the products, are some of the crucial elements that need to be kept in mind. The beautiful thing about being a perennial is that we never need to feel alone. We have communities that are mere clicks away and other trusted sources our parents didn’t have access to. It makes us wiser, more confident and more aware. It is a beautiful mess we can never be fully prepared for, but one we can help each other conquer nonetheless.

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